List Utopia: Shop Our Custom Lists
To replicate the shopping experience you have in our store, we’ve organized our many lists into major headings below such as Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children’s Literature, etc. Click the list you’re interested in and you will begin shopping at our store. You can always come back to this page to redirect your search or browse. If you’re looking for audio books, click here. Happy shopping!
Visit our Shopping Guides: Adults | Children

About Our Online Store
For the online version of our store, we utilize By joining forces with thousands of other independent bookstores, we collectively are able to offer an alternative to Amazon, bringing a level of personal service and independent spirit that Amazon cannot match. We even offer discounted pricing, plus the satisfaction of supporting a local business and keeping your dollars local.
The key to shopping our online store is to browse our carefully curated lists of recommendations that our staff creates based on our understanding of both our local community and the new online community. We create new lists each month and add to existing lists constantly as new titles and formerly out-of-print titles become available.
We’re excited to be pioneers in this much more personal and certainly more independent approach to being an online bookstore.