Something For Everybody

“One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.”
Sophocles, Antigone

Have you found yourself under that autumnal influence? The gorgeous blue skies. The trees’ command of color. The birds following their own mysterious cues south in eye-catching formations as we turn toward the “evening” of the year and the inevitable turn inward expressed by painters, poets and writers. As your bookseller, I’ll focus on the latter part of that litany with a quick review of some great seasonal books.

If you want to share the wonder of the fall trees with a child, take a look at the delightful picture book Fall Walk by Virginia Brimhall Snow. For adult fiction, don’t miss Ali Smith’s novel, Autumn (or the other titles in her amazing seasonal quartet). A new book about John Keats by Anahid Nersessian called Keats’s Odes: A Lover’s Discourse has reminded me to revisit his timeless poetry, specifically his ode “To Autumn” deserves another close reading this time of year.

For some levity from this introspective time of year, you might want to turn to the new David Sedaris, A Carnival of Snackery: Diaries (2003-2020). Take your experience of trees to the next level with the inspiring book by Douglas W. Tallamy, The Nature of Oaks. And lastly, Nancy Folbre’s book The Rise and Decline of Patriarchal Systems offers a compelling treatise on the origins of gender inequality as well as a path forward.

There are many other new titles to share and doubtless you have all been hearing the encouragement to start thinking early this year about what books and gifts you want to share with friends and family for the upcoming season. We are here to help with our many extensive lists of great book ideas at our online store.

Happy Reading!